restart; with(linalg): Euler := vector([Phi, Theta, Xi]): dEuler := vector([phi, theta, xi]): Rz := u->matrix([[cos(u), sin(u), 0], [-sin(u), cos(u), 0], [0, 0, 1]]); #!!!S.B. commands changed! Rx := u->matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(u), sin(u)], [0, -sin(u), cos(u)]]); A := evalm(Rz(Xi(t)) &* Rx(Theta(t)) &* Rz(Phi(t))): # vectors of angular velocities about Euler axis omega[Phi] := vector([0,0,phi(t)]): #rotation about axis z - phi omega[Theta] := vector([theta(t),0,0]): #rotation about the l. xu - theta # vector of the resulting angular velocity # Omega in (x',y',z') Omega := evalm(A &* omega[Phi] + Rz(Xi(t)) &* omega[Theta] + vector([0,0,xi(t)])); T := 1/2*I1*(Omega[1]^2 + Omega[2]^2) + 1/2*I3*Omega[3]^2; #kinetic energy V := M*g*L*cos(Theta(t)): #potential energy LF := T - V: # Lagrangian read ``: read ``: read ``: # generation of the Lagrange equation, or integrals # of motion (for Phi and Xi) LEqn := LEq2(LF,Euler(t),dEuler(t),t): LEqn := table([op(LEqn)]); #transform the result from set to table # Integrals of motion: IM[Phi], IM[Xi] and energy Ec Ec := simplify(T + V- 1/2*I3*Omega[3]^2); # find phi, xi with subs. IMXi=a*I1, IMPhi=b*I1 phixi := solve({LEqn[IM[Phi]] = b*I1, LEqn[IM[Xi]] =a *I1}, {phi(t),xi(t)}); Econst := subs(phixi,Ec): # substitution for xi and phi in Ec theta2 := solve(subs(M = I1/(2*g*L)*beta, Econst = I1*alpha/2),theta(t)^2): # substitution # cos(Theta) = u --sin(Theta)*theta = du # then du2 = diff(u(t),t)^2 du2 := simplify(subs(cos(Theta(t)) = u, theta2*(1-cos(Theta(t))^2))); # analysis of the solution due to the form of du2 collect(du2,u); seq(factor(subs(u = i, du2)), i = {-1,1}); # so du2 (+-1) < 0 for b <0 # we substitute for xi and phi # in LEqn[0] (DE for Theta) eq[Theta] := simplify(subs(phixi, LEqn[0])): eq[Theta] := simplify(eq[Theta]*I1*(cos(Theta(t))^2 - 1)^2): # simplify constant parameters in DE eq[Theta] := simplify(subs(M = I1/(2*g*L)*beta, eq[Theta]/I1^2)); # DE for Phi eq[Phi] := diff(Phi(t),t) = subs(phixi, phi(t)); #d definition of initial conditions Theta0 := 0.1: #Theta(0) initc := Theta(0) = Theta0, theta(0) = 0, Phi(0) = 0: # definition of parameters a := 1: beta := 1: lambda := 1.1: # second plot lambda := 0.96; b := a*cos(Theta0)*lambda: # dependent variables of the system DE var := {Phi(t),Theta(t),theta(t)}: # solving DE res := dsolve({eq[Theta] = 0, diff(Theta(t), t) = theta(t), eq[Phi], initc}, var, numeric); # resulting plot plot([seq([subs(res(i*0.05), Phi(t)), subs(res(i*0.05), Theta(t))], i = 0..300)]);